Thursday, August 24, 2006


blogger was down yesterday so i couldn't blog.): anyway ytd was just very strange.i met all kinds of weird people.early in the morning i took the lift with this man whom i've never seen in my whole entire life, supposedly living in the same block as me.and man.i swore his eyes were popping out. :/ totally freaked me out.haha.then after school went town and saw this man who looked like he just crawled out from some rubbish bin.okay this is very mean but yeah.he walks without swinging his arms? so strange.oh yes.and there's also this ah pek wearing some funny funny sunglasses. :/ haha.

played frisbee for two hours today.damn shiok.(: haha.think all of us have turned into frisbee fanatics.heh.(: but i realised i'm getting darker which is bad news cos' i'll look like a malay.): anyway our dearest mr poh treated us ice-cream today.yay! :D i realised all our teachers are kind souls except for you know who.oh.and guess what? there are people who really think that i'm his daughter lah. "Are you really mr poh's daughter?" wahhh.freaking annoying.): thanks to ESMOND HWEE who goes around spreading all these nonsense.i swear i am going to kill him.haha.

gonna go eat dinner now and do maths tutorial after that.(: bye!

terrified again of not loving,
of loving and not loving you,
of being loved and not by you.
if you do not love me
i shall not be loved;
if i do not love you
i shall not love.

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